About My Header Image

NOTE: THIS PAGE IS ABOUT MY OLD HEADER IMAGE AND NO LONGER APPLIES, BUT I’M KEEPING THE PAGE IN CASE I GO BACK TO THE OLD ONE. I wish there was a way to just archive the page, but I don’t see any way to do that.

I created the image header for my blog using pictures of some of my favorite ships from fact and fiction.

The Battle of the Saints

The first image is of the Battle of the Saints (1782) in which my great-great-great-great-great grandfather, Sir Charles Douglas, was the captain-of-the-fleet for Admiral Rodney. The ship was called H.M.S. Formidable, which I think is one of the coolest names ever for a battleship.

The U.S.S. Defiant

Next is the U.S.S. Defiant, which was seen primarily in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, but also made an appearance in the second best Star Trek film, First Contact.

Eta-2 Jedi Starfighter

The third ship is an Eta-2 Jedi Starfighter from Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. I’m not a big fan of the first two prequels, but I enjoyed this one and that ship became my favorite from all six Star Wars films.

U.S.S. Enterprise

Last, but not least by any means, is the U.S.S. Enterprise. Maybe you’ve heard of it? The one in the header is the re-fitted movie version of NCC-1701 (the original is above) from the best of the ten Trek films, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, and the version that was blown up while full of Klingons in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock. Here it’s firing on the U.S.S. Reliant, which also happens to be one of my favorite ships from Star Trek.

4 Responses to “About My Header Image”

  1. RE Sir Charles Douglas. I am typing this overlooking the channel where the Battle of the Saints was fought. Below me is Douglas Bay, named after Sir James Douglas who led the capture of the island of Dominica for the British in 1761. Was he (James) an ancestor of yours as well?

  2. I’ve never been there, but I bet it’s a great view. I’d love to visit some day. Captain James Douglas is not a direct ancestor of mine, but I’m sure I’m related at some point. Thanks for commenting!

  3. The current picture of the Enterprise is not the refit. That is the classic (old) Constitution class Enterprise. This was not in any of the films. Only the refit was.

    • Sorry for the confusion, Dave. I was referring to the image from STII: TWOK in the header up top, but you’re right, the one in the picture just above the description is the original. I edited my description to clear that up. Thanks for the comment!

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